Hills Couples Counselling.  Expert Couples Counselling.

Hills Couples Counselling
"Recalibrate" Program

Personal Coaching. Moving forward after separation.

Moving forward after the demise of any relationship can be daunting as we step into the unknown.

It can also be exciting as new possibilities arise.  It's important that you be open to new experiences and even though it may be frightening to go it alone, there will always be a period of readjustment as you come to terms with your new and altered reality.

Below are a few tips to help you keep things in Balance.

Keep in contact with good friends and have some fun together.  Remember, friends are likely to have had a relationship break up at some stage in their life journey too and will be empathetic.

Set small tasks or goals to complete that you have been contemplating for a while. Better yet, do that thing that you never had time to do.

Start or recommence a fun activity that you have been promising yourself.  Join a Gym, take that art class.  Allow yourself to express your creative side.

Keep a journal if you want to express yourself but don't feel like speaking to others about your most personal thoughts.

Exercise.  Get those endorphins moving. Just 30 minutes a day is known to have physiological benefits and improves mood.

Get adequate sleep.  Practise good sleep hygiene.

Meditate and Relax.  

Eat a healthy diet. 

Nurture yourself as you would your best friend. Self-compassion is essential to Moving Forward. 

Personal Coaching Program. 
"Recalibrate" with Vicki Childs.

Would you like to feel alive and energised?
Do you want to greet the day with a sense of awe and wonder?

Why would you accept mediocrity as your best? Why?

"RECALIBRATE"  4 Week Transformative Coaching with Vicki Childs.  Survivor and Thriver.

Do you feel like you are lacking direction?
Are you unsure about your future?
Undecided what comes next?
Low self esteem?

Lacking motivation or find yourself bored and frustrated by the treadmill that has become life?

Do you feel like there's something stopping you from achieving your goals?
Broken hearted after separation?
Unsure of who you are and what you want?
Broken and confused?
Feelings of uselessness?

Suffering the effects of trauma or critical unexpected life events?

If you have answered YES to any of these questions, you may benefit from our exciting and unique personal coaching program.

What's the program all about?

To understand what the program is all about you will need to understand how it came about.   Please bear with me and indulge me a little - you see in 2012 after a long, exciting and varied career, I became very ill after suffering medically induced Iatrogenesis.   

I was bedridden, unable to speak, suffering extreme anxiety and unrelenting high level pain.  I also had cognitive issues and a whole plethora of medically induced ailments.   I had always been a strong and well person, a person who loved life, laughed often and enjoyed every part of life to the absolute fullest.  To find myself bedridden, unable to communicate and with no real help, other than my husband, James, it was horrifying, to say the least. 

At the time, I expected that I would not make 2013. I wasn't being an alarmist, I was being a realist.  My days were long, silent and riddled with pain and confusion, not to mention the constant and unyielding high level anxiety which saw me drop some 30kgs in 9 weeks. That's what happens when your brain and body go into a constant state of flight.  In my case a result of medical malpractice and misprescribing of a heinous drug.

How could I go from strong, capable and fun-loving to laying in a dark room all day, not knowing what the future would hold?  

Medical professionals couldn't quite put a label on what was happening to me. The fact that my state at the time was a result of medical malpractice didn't help the situation either.  I was terrified of even further harm and knew that if I was to live through the situation, I'd have to find a way to help myself.  There was no way out, only through.

And so my journey commenced.  What a journey it was.  From complete and utter despair to today once again being full of life, zest and grateful for every day I open my eyes.  To today once again running my own very busy and successful business, a return to loving life, living large and helping others.  To now doing what I want, when I want and answering to no one except myself. 

You see, I know personally what it's like to suffer from a life altering event, to experience emotions, feelings and behaviours that are completely foreign to your being.  Unwanted and intrusive visitors controlling you, instead of you controlling them. 

My journey back to wellness has allowed me the greatest of insights into what it takes to CLAW your way back.  To want something so badly you'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. 

I went from having everything a person could want or need in life, to losing absolutely everything.  My home, my car, my family, my career - it was all gone!  

Today, I have worked hard.  Hard to regain all of which was lost.  Today I drive a brand new luxury vehicle.  I live in a gorgeous home in a great suburb.  I have a wonderful family, great friends and the best relationship I could have hoped for.   BUT -  I've worked my butt off to reclaim all of these things.  I know adversity, I know hardship and I know loss.  I made peace with these things and used them as stepping stones to bounce back.

I've used my experience to formulate a kick-butt 4-week program that WILL change your life.  No excuses.  No prisoners.  It worked for me and provided you want the change - it can work for you if you're willing to put in the work.

There's no one like a survivor and thriver to help you too. 

These days, I look back with gratitude and that's quite a thing to say - my experience in 2012 led me to retrain and become the Therapist and Coach I am today.  Someone that doesn't just talk the talk.  I've also walked the walk.

So, with all that in mind - if you want to change, if you want to be a better, more enhanced version of yourself, call me or book my program. 

The proof is in the pudding and a persons ability to rise above - to rise and shine!

Vicki ~

What's in the program?

6  x Downloadable PDF Modules,  full of insightful, mind expanding and practical strategies to drive you to your goal. 

3 x  Downloadable Motivational MP3's to back up the weekly sessions. 

4 x  Kick Butt Weekly Coaching 1 hour sessions with Vicki.

Strategies, Tools and customised Resources to take with you on your own journey to complete and total wellness, self-belief and confidence to enable you to design the life you want.

Who have you coached or trained? 

As well as working with many high calibre individuals (who will remain anonymous as per our confidentiality clause), I have also worked with numerous iconic and well known businesses providing coaching, training and facilitation. Some of the clients I have worked with include:

FCC - Fairfield City Council
PCYC - Police Citizens Youth Club
CBA - Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Red Rooster
Bridgestone Tyres
Stowe Electrical

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