Hills Couples Counselling.  Expert Couples Counselling.
Privacy Policy

Hills Couples Counselling
Privacy Policy

Hills Couples Counselling Privacy Policy P

Hills Couples Counselling is committed to protecting your privacy. 

We abide by;
The Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) You can read this policy HERE
All relevant state laws concerning the collection, management, and storage of personal information.

How we collect your information.

Your personal information may be collected in a number of ways;
Via our secure website (www.hillscouplescounselling.com) at the time of booking your appointment.
On the telephone when booking an appointment or making preliminary enquiries.

Via intake documentation paperwork in the clinic. This information will be transferred to an electronic format shortly after your appointment.
Personal information may also be gathered upon receipt of referrals, or reports from other health care professionals or Medical Funds.
On occasion we may request contact details if you have contacted us via any of our social media channels. 

Why we collect your information.

Your personal information is collected in order for us to provide therapeutic services.

At times we may need to contact one of your other health professionals, this will only be done with your knowledge and written consent to do so. 

Personal information is also collected in order to ensure we are able to send appointment reminders, (SMS and/or email notifications.)

Information is also gathered for the purposes of accurate record keeping, medical fund rebates and general bookkeeping purposes. 

Storage of your information.
All personal information is held on our electronic secure database.  Some information may be held in paper form for a short period of time, until it is transferred to our electronic files.  Once uploaded to our servers, all paper based documentation is de identified and destroyed. 

We are legally required to hold personal information for the following terms;

7 Years from the last date of visitation or consultation (Adults.)
For minors, up until the client/patient reaches 25 years of age (Minors.)

All forms of paper based information is stored under lock and key in a storage facility outside of the clinic address. 

Access to personal information or corrections to personal details.

If you need to change any personal details on your records or believe there is an error on your personal records held with Hills Couples Counselling, please notify us by email HERE

You may be asked to provide information and documentation to prove your identity as part of the updating/change process.

Access to your personal session/treatment file notes will not be available unless it is legally requested via subpoena by your legal representative.  This decision is in accordance with privacy laws and industry guidelines for registered health care professionals.

We cannot release our file notes to either party in attendance of couples counselling.  Releasing session notes or treatment plans may cause or inflict harm to a person.  File information may be misinterpreted or misunderstood without professional assistance to help you understand session notes and treatment plans.

Disclosure of personal information. 

There are circumstances where we may be permitted or required by law to disclose your personal information to third parties. Common scenarios in which we may disclose your personal information to third parties are when:

You have consented to the disclosure; or

we reasonably believe that disclosure is necessary to lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life, health or safety of any individual, or to public health or safety; or

You would reasonably expect your personal information to be disclosed and disclosure to that third party is for a purpose directly related to the primary purpose for which your personal information was collected (see why we collect your personal information) for example, to a GP or medical specialist involved in your care, a hospital for higher levels of care, the ambulance service, government agencies and other third party payers administering subsidies and benefits to which you may be entitled, such as medical funds,  Department of Veterans Affairs, NDIS, or if;

It is required or authorised by or under an Australian law or a court/tribunal order.

Concerns and Complaints. 
If you have any concerns or complaints about how your information has been handled and stored, you can lodge a written letter with us detailing your concerns.  We will respond to you within a 21 day period, detailing how we may resolve the issue (if any.) 

If you are not satisfied with our response, you may lodge a complaint with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. Full contact details for the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner can be found online atwww.oaic.gov.au.

Website, Google and Payment Handler Privacy Facts.

Our website (www.hillscouplescounselling.com) may contain links to third party websites, such as YouTube and Acuity Scheduling.   Hills Couples Counselling is not responsible for the content or privacy practices employed by websites that are linked from our website. You can access their respective Privacy Policies on their websites.

Queries, complaints and requests for correction.

Written Requests for queries, complaints or corrections

By Post
Privacy Manager
Hills Couples Counselling
PO Box 355
Kings Langley, NSW,  2147


Published Jan, 2025. 

Privacy policy
