Hills Couples Counselling.  Expert Couples Counselling.
Couple Programs

Couple Programs

Stay Accountable
Do the Work
Recover your relationship

Couple Programs

After your initial consultation and having discussed which therapy may be the most suitable for you, you may then decide to enter one of our fully customised couple programs. 

Undertaking a dedicated couple program allows you both to be fully accountable to work through the issues and challenges.  It's way too easy to have all the best intentions in the world to change things, but let's face it, intention doesn't make changes happen, accountability and actions do. 

This is precisely why we offer our clients COUPLE COUNSELLING PROGRAMS.  

Our couple programs are not one size fits all, neither are they formulaic therapy - nothing could be further from the truth.  Our couple programs are evidence based and having delivered them to literally thousands of couples we know without a single doubt they get results when the couple put the work in. 

The couple programs act as a mud map or a guide to taking couples through the assessed and established gaps in your relationship.  Our couple programs are targeted and precise.  

Clients also tell us they are fun and challenging. 

So, if you're really ready to change, if you're really ready to have the type of relaitonship that others will envy and admire - take action and book today.

Benefits of entering a Couple Program:

  You've paid for it so in all reality you are much more likely to be committed to doing the work and completing the program. 

Structure.  We follow a methodical and proven formula. We don't get off track or distracted by the small stuff. 

Targeted and Specific Therapy Goals.  After assessing your relationship dynamic we can pinpoint the specific areas where you have become disconnected or conflicted.   This process then allows us to apply targeted and proven therapies to lessen or completely remove the toxic or unwanted behaviours and habits in the relationship.   

Emotional Stability.  Agreeing to weekly sessions via a program means you don't just come to therapy immediately after a fight or when in a highly emotive state.  Knowing that you have a weekly session affords clients an opportunity to recount and reflect on the week that was.  

Planned Activites and Exercises.  Part of entering into our programs requires couples to undertake weekly take home strategies, tools, exercises and activities.  Yes, some may call this homework!   This allows couples to practise and gauge how the tools work for them and their unique circumstances.  Knowing that you have an opportunity to discuss how effective, difficult or life changing the tools were in a safe and structured environment helps couples feel more comfortable with change.

Start and End Point.  We have a designated start point and likewise a dedicated end point.  We don't keep you engaged in therapy for the sake of therapy. 

Review from a very happy Program Client

Review from a very happy Program Client

HCC Relationship Recovery
Program - 4 Week Intensive Counselling

HCC Relationship Recovery

4 Week Intensive Program

For couples seeking to reconnect, repair and revitalise their relationships.

The HCC Relationship Recovery Program is fully customised for each individual couple. 

It is our own program, designed and delivered by Industry Experts & Registered Counsellors and Certified Marriage Educators. 

This program is perfect for couples seeking to:

• Reconnect and start the process of enjoying each other again. 

• Understand how disconnection, emotional check out and complacency enter a relationship and apply tools to ensure this doesn't occur again. 

• Start to view each other as individuals outside of the relationship, not simply as 'mummy and daddy' or a non sexual identity within a relationship. 

.• Reinvigorate the relationship, bring appreciation, gratitude and attraction back into play.

• Improve overall communication. De escalate fighting and conflict. 

• Practise the art of forgiveness and move forward into a better, enhanced and happy relationship. 

The Nuts and Bolts of the Sessions:

Sessions run for 120 minutes (2 Hours) over a 4 week period.  The program is best when delivered once a week at the same time over the month.

We have found that consistency is key. 

You will be issued a hard copy of the program Workbook. 

We expect you to do the work, this means completing homework tasks, employing the tools and resources you learn in the sessions. 

Sometimes the work we do with couples is uncomfortable and at times can be challenging; growth and change is seldomly comfortable, but as adults we understand that change requires honesty and commitment.  

Growth always takes place after we are challenged or moved from our comfort zone. 

Change takes time and the breaking of any habit takes a minimum of 30 days, so please be patient with yourself and your partner. 

We do the heavy lifting in the sessions, but, we also have fun and keep things as pleasant as possible. 

If nothing changes, nothing changes!

Love Languages & Reignite Passion
Program - 4 Week Intensive Counselling

Love Languages & Reigniting Passion

4 Week Intensive Program

For couples seeking a deeper understanding of one another and bringing the sexy back.

The Love Languages and Reigniting Passion program is perfect for any couple seeking to truly understand one another or for those couples wanting to reintroduce, rekindle or simply bring back their sexy, spice and variety.

It is our own program, designed and delivered by Industry Experts, Registered Counsellors and Certified Marriage Educators, Vicki and James Childs.

The program is highly effective and includes:

• Understanding personal triggers and hot words.
• Understanding HOW your partner needs to be loved. 
• Value Alignment - How our values impact our relationships.
• Identification of Communication Blocks and creating a sense of WE-NESS. 
• Intimacy - why we lose it over time and how to restore it. 

The Nuts and Bolts of the Sessions:

Sessions run for 120 minutes (2 Hours) over a 4 week period.

The program is best when delivered once a week at the same time over the month.

We have found that consistency is key.

You will be issued a hard copy of the program Workbook.

We expect you to do the work, this means completing homework tasks, employing the tools and resources you learn in the sessions.

Sometimes the work we do with couples is uncomfortable and at times can be challenging; growth and change are seldomly comfortable, but as adults, we understand that change requires honesty and commitment.

Growth always takes place after we are challenged or moved from our comfort zone.

Change takes time and the breaking of any habit takes a minimum of 30 days, so please be patient with yourself and your partner.

We do the heavy lifting in the sessions, but, we also have fun and keep things as pleasant as possible.

If nothing changes, nothing changes!

Gottman Method

Program - 4 Week Intensive Counselling

Gottman Method Therapy

4 Week Intensive Program

For couples seeking evidence based world renowned clinical therapy.

The Gottman Method is an approach to couples therapy that includes a thorough assessment of the couple relationship and integrates research-based interventions based on the Sound Relationship House Theory.

Couples who enter into Gottman Method Couples Therapy begin with an assessment process that then informs the therapeutic framework and intervention.

Gottman Therapy is best suited to couples seeking a very deep and comprehensive understanding of their relationship dynamic or those who prefer a methodical evidence based approach. 

The Nuts and Bolts of the Sessions:

Sessions run for 120 minutes (2 Hours) over a 4 week period.

The program is best when delivered once a week at the same time over the month.

We have found that consistency is key.

You will be issued a hard copy of the program Workbook.

We expect you to do the work, this means completing homework tasks, employing the tools and resources you learn in the sessions.

Sometimes the work we do with couples is uncomfortable and at times can be challenging; growth and change is seldomly comfortable, but as adults we understand that change requires honesty and commitment.

Growth always takes place after we are challenged or moved from our comfort zone.

Change takes time and the breaking of any habit takes a minimum of 30 days, so please be patient with yourself and your partner.

We do the heavy lifting in the sessions, but, we also have fun and keep things as pleasant as possible.

If nothing changes, nothing changes!

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