Hills Couples Counselling.  Expert Couples Counselling.
Relationship Repair

Relationship Repair


Hills Couples Counselling Customised Relationship Repair Program. Don't waste another minute being unhappy.

The HCC Relationship Repair Customised Program is here.  It is our most popular and intensive program for Couples seeking solution focused therapy.  

The Relationship Repair program is designed to enable a new level of understanding and reconnection through whole person therapy.  You cannot 'fix' what you do not acknowledge.

The 4 Week Intensive Relationship Repair Program is best described as no-nonsense, challenging,  yet rewarding.  Most importantly, it gets results when the couple do the work.

The HCC Relationship Repair Program is all about removing the layers that tend to pile up over the years.  Layers of resentment, guilt, blame, contempt, disrespect, ambiguity, disdain and many of the other negative influences that often creep into both troubled and long term relationships. 

The focus of the program is on the 3R's.


Topics Included:

Defining THE Problem
Your Options
Marriage Myths - Are they holding you back?
Negative Influence
PRV Personal Relationship Values
Aligned and Misaligned Values
Relationship DRAINS
Forgiveness and living in Unforgiveness
Communication Barriers and Blocks
Intimacy.  A return to love.

The program runs over a 4 Week Period.  Each Session is 2 hours in duration.  

You will be asked to complete an Online Inventory prior to your program. 

Your sessions will be FULLY CUSTOMISED to your unique relationship challenges. 

You are also able to purchase individual resources.  Workbook Bundle is $59.99, which includes 1 x Bound copy of Workbook 1 and 2 x Bound Copies of Workbook 2. 

Workbook 1 contains all of the Vital Elements and information you need to Repair, Revitalise and Reconnect within your relationship.  

Workbook 2 contains 10 probing, insightful profiling assessments, which target key areas in the relationship dynamic which may require enhancement, improvement or even a totally new approach.

We use a blend of therapies depending upon what you present with. These may include:

ACT Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Imago Therapy
Prepare Enrich Building Stronger Relationships
Gottman Therapy
Emotion Focused Therapy
Art Therapy
Immersive Therapy

You can book the HCC Relationship Repair Program by clicking the button below.

Most importantly, this program requires a commitment to 'do the work' in relation to your relationship goals.

Your body requires maintenance.  Your mind requires maintenance.  Your home and car require maintenance. Why not your relationship?

Your body requires maintenance. Your mind requires maintenance. Your home and car require maintenance. Why not your relationship?

Effective Couples Counselling takes work. 

This means that when we provide you with tools and new ways of relating to one another, the tools need to be utilised. 

Failure to use the information and resources we offer in your sessions in your home environment means that no change will occur. 

Unfortunately, as therapists we cannot do the work for you. We open the doorway for change, but it's over to the couple to really do the hard yards in facilitating an enhanced relationship. 

Relationships, like all things in life, take work. 

Stop with the Blame and Shame

It's easy to blame another person when things are not working out.  

Along with blame comes inevitable shame.  

Neither blame nor shame will help you work out relationship issues. 

In fact, blaming and shaming will only increase disconnection and even contribute to rapid explosions of triggered emotions. 

Often couples will present for therapy with one individual wholeheartedly believing that 'if only he or she would change' everything will be ok. 

It comes as quite a shock for some clients to understand that it is NEVER solely one person's fault or responsibility to change.  

Both parties contribute in some way to their partner's behaviour. 

While it is true that we can only be responsible for our own actions, the way we relate or interact with our significant other can often be causative of undesired behaviours. 

You cannot blame or shame a person into change.  Real change comes only from the individual and their desire to effect change.

Our Relationship Recovery Program assists couples in understanding how these dynamics can and do underpin the tone of a relationship.

Emotional Intelligence EQ

Emotional intelligence is the ability to validly reason with emotions and to use emotions to enhance thought.

EQ refers to an individual's ability to perceive, control, evaluate, and express emotions.

People with high EQ can manage emotions, use their emotions to facilitate thinking, understand emotional meanings and accurately perceive others' emotions.

EQ is partially determined by how a person relates to others and maintains emotional control.

Our Relationship Recovery Program looks at how your personal level of Emotional Intelligence may be impacting your relationship. 

We offer suggestions and tools to enhance or top up areas that may require improvement.

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